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Exhibition Pop up Stands & Counters

  • Friday, June 23, 2017

pop up display stands

Exhibition Pop up Stands: Get Yourself Seen

It is hard for the visitors to trace your whereabouts in an exhibition if the venue is large and there are dozens of companies having set up their stalls. The situation becomes all the more grim when you stall area is much smaller in comparison to big and attractive stalls of large companies. Imagine standing behind a exhibition counter with nothing else to catch the attention of the visitors moving around you stall? This is where the power of visually arresting exhibition pop up stands comes into picture. These exhibition pop up stands magically appear like small billboards in your stall to present eye catching walls on all three sides to your visitors.


Pop counters are available in different widths and heights to fit the size of your stall. They are made of aluminum bars with magnets that can be easily stacked to create the structure that stands on its own like a wall. Place these structures to make an enclosure depending upon the shape of your stall. Finally, drape these structures with beautiful graphics printed on vinyl material to have a wonderful stall that catches the attention of all visitors moving near your stall in an exhibition. Pop up counters provide a versatile option and a practical solution for event marketing and are a necessity for professional exhibiting and promotions. Ideal for multiple exhibitions with our unique quick change Velcro graphics designed to let you promote multiple products or services from one convenient flat packed portable counter from Banner Stand.


Take a look at our pop up stands and counters

This magical pop stand, when it is set up in minutes, covers a stall having dimensions of 4m x 5m x 5m. It is 222cm high also to keep the gaze of the visitors confined to your stall. It is also available in different width exhibition pop up stands 2m, 3m, 4m, 5m, and 6 meters wide. Simple to erect and transport and supplied with padded carry case bag.

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