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London Banner Stand Company

Bike Advertising Flag Banner

code: A3PL-B-Flag
Order Today: Delivery Thursday 27th March

Simple and easy to install, this rear mounted bicycle advertising flag banner demands attention and is great way to advertise your business in or outside city centres. Ideal way to promote restaurants or bars.

(Please use caution when using this system and onus lies with the purchaser for safety) MORE INFORMATION

This product has low or limited stock

Key Features
  • Dimensions: 65cm wide x 190cm tall
  • Fast and easy to set up
  • Made of aluminium ( 25mm) with a fibreglass tip
  • Attention: The kit will fit seatposts 25 do 26,7 mm.
  • Includes 600dpi custom printed graphics (B1 fire certification.)
Download our easy-to-use artwork guidelines & templates
Bike Advertising Flag Banner - Artwork Template

UK Supplier Of Bike Advertising Flag Banners For Promoting Your Business

If you need to promote your business, then get on your bike with this cost effective way to advertise your business. Regardless of what industry you are in, this rear mounted bike banner can promote your company locally. Ideal for bars restaurants and takeaway food shops it can be custom printed to get your message out there with promotions or incentives to visit your business. Used as a direct marketing tool to gain awarness and notoriety. 

Bike advertising flag banner are easy to install and remove from your bycle after use and perfect for promoting in many locations like parks, beach front promenades and pedestrianised areas. As well as being a good visual advertisment, this bicle flag sign system can double as a means of dispencing flyers or offers your business is promoting.

Commonly used by all levels and sizes of companies but particulaly used by fast food or street level takeaway restaurants that offer cost effective food like Pizzas, Fries and convenience foods. Neadless to say there are many more industries that have benafitted from this form of advertising, including: Phone Repairs, Coffe Shops, Night Clubs, Fairs, Vape Shops and many more.

Custom Printed Bicycle Flag Signs To Suit Your Business Needs

We at stand banner offer exclusive high quality printing for all your display and promotional needs from roll up banner stand systems to floor graphics, quite simply we print the lot. All of our graphics are printed in-house useing the latest enviromental printing techniques, that certify your product as enviromentally friendly. We use lated water base inks that are waterproof, scratch resistand and won't fade in sunlight. All custom cycle banner graphics are printed and finished in our factory and use CYMK industry standard printing process.

UK And European Delivery Available

Stand banner can delivery your bike banner advertising anywhere in Europe with guaranteed 7 day delivery service. UK mainland is also on a seven working day process from recipt of artwork. No matter what your promotional marketing needs, think of stand banner as a one stop shop for your business. For more information call in or call Stand Banner.